Who We Are

Transportes Machado & Brites are a carrier company that operate in domestic and international market. The great knowledge and experience acquired over the last years make them possible to offer an high quality standards service, based on cost optimization, technical experience of their professionals and collaborators, and through the constant fleet renewal, supported by a strategy of permanent technology updating of their vehicles (such as non-contaminating ecological engines and transport monitoring).
In a globalized world commercial market, Transportes Machado & Brites are prepare to offer to their Customers a service of excellence, personalized and adapted to their needs.
We are ready for any challenge!

The large team of professionals at the service of M Brites Transports is constantly involved in technical training sessions, which keeps all of the professionals up-to-date and prepared for the growing diversification of the goods transportation market. The transportation and handling of different cargo (chemical, textile or frozen products) has made it necessary to invest heavily in the professionalization of our drivers and Employees
For a competitive fleet which provides the best service, maintenance and repair contracts have been signed with the representatives of the different brands of the vehicles we use. In addition, there is, of course, the regular and strict maintenance of the means in circulation, which are carried out on our premises so as to guarantee full availability

M Brites Transports also has five big logistics centres (centre and north regions of the country) available for their clients, which can be complemented with the provision of distribution services
Mission statement
Who we are
We are a Portuguese company, leader in the international road transportation of goods since 1980, and more recently, we have extended our activities to the rental of vehicles without driver
Our company has aimed the European market as our main target, and has a strong presence both in the north as well as in central Europe
Vision statement
Our aspiration
To become a national reference in road transportation of goods, under controlled temperature, both in the pharmaceutical industry as well as in food and beverage areas
Our market approachTo offer a service of excellence; the best equipment and the top devices available in the market in geo-reference and monitoring fields
Competitive advantage
What we do wellOur knowledge and know-how acquired along the years while operating with the most well-known worldwide companies, in the pharmaceutical, F&B and other areas of industry
Our clients may always rely on us… that is why we have been chosen to be their road partner

Equality of opportunities and Non-discrimination practices
M Brites Transports prohibits any type of discrimination, based on race, gender, sexual orientation, physical impairment, religion, nationality, language ancestry, political and/or religion convictions or any other type or form of discriminationChild labour
M. Brites Transports tightly distances itself and repudiates all forms of child labour. Child labour means any person who has not reached the legal minimum age to workForced and compulsory labour
M Brites Transports make no use of forced and/or compulsory labour. It´s expressly prohibited any kind of human being traffic, practices that may force the Employee’s permanency in the company against his will and/or the retention of personal documentation
Health and Security measures
M Brites Transports must ensure a secure and healthy working environment. In this sense, it must be provided PPE, clean water access, clean sanitary facilities and, when applicable, a hygienic place to take meals and for food storage
Disciplinary procedures
M Brites Transports treats all their Employees with equal respect and dignity, not tolerating any kind of physical, mental and/or verbal punishment or coercion use
M Brites Transports assumes their commitment with all in force regulation concerning remuneration and payments
Non-Employment of Illegal Foreigners
M Brites Transports assumes their commitment with all in force regulation concerning hiring employees of foreign nationality
M. Brites Transports assumes that all measures taken in order to improve their efficiency and sustained growth will never overlap with their irreprehensible ethical code of conduct
In this sense, and in addition to quality and road traffic safety management principles commitment, M Brites Transports manage their activity in accordance with the above-mentioned social responsibility high standards
M Brites Transports also recognize all universal and fundamental human rights included in International Conventions and Treaties, mainly in Universal Declaration of Human Rights of United Nations and the International Labour Organization